Souderton-Telford Historical Society


The Fickle Belsnickel
The Fickle Belsnickel

If you’ve been naughty, the Belsnickel, dressed in furs and carrying a switch, just may pay you a visit at Christmas. Read all about this old traditional charcter!

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Art thou a witch?
Art thou a witch?

A witch? Here? The subject of witches has a dangerous side, and the good folk of Telford had to take it seriously when one of their neighbors became the target of a whisper campaign in 1882.

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Hillside Cemetery
Hillside Cemetery

Souderton Borough and the Historical Society work together to restore the neglected walls of Hillside Cemetery. Here is the story.

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Small-town Farm Boys Go To Sea
Small-town Farm Boys Go To Sea

Guest-author Peggy Reiff Miller recounts the story of two “Seagoing Cowboys” – local teens Herbert Wenger and Marvin Garis, as they serve during World War II.

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Telford Whale
Telford Whale

A mysterious discovery causes a local sensation. But like many sensations, is it what it seems?

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A Sense of Community
A Sense of Community

Guest-author Doug Shupinski paints a warm portrait of his life and memories growing up in our local community; and what we can all learn from it.

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Most small-town newspapers have their quirks, and items that seem humorous today. So it is with this collection from our own Souderton Independent. Smile!

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The Groundcherry
The Groundcherry

Guest-Author and historian Jason Searock serves up a delightful portion of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage with this story of the Groundcherry.

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The Herman Funke House
The Herman Funke House

Herman Funke was one of many who found a place here in Souderton. A place to live, marry, and start a business. Member Craig Silsbee relates the story of his current home, and of Herman’s life here.

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100th Anniversary of World War I
100th Anniversary of World War I

On the 100th Anniversary of World War I, we get to read about some local family connections to that fateful event by guest-author Rev James Shelly. Thank you to all who have served.

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Zion Mennonite Fisk Organ
Zion Mennonite Fisk Organ

Among the many unique things about our Souderton /Telford communities, here is one hiding in plain sight! Jon Leight tells of the history and special nature of the organ at Zion Mennonite Church.

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This ‘Oldish’ House
This ‘Oldish’ House

Member Cory Alderfer tells us about her “oldish” house, and what characteristics make it charming and precious. Hopefully, this makes you proud of your house as well.

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The County Line Hotel
The County Line Hotel

As the 19th century evolved into the 20th century, the County Line Hotel was an important landmark and gathering place in Telford. Here is a bit of that story.

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Baseball in Telford
Baseball in Telford

Summer, ice cream, and baseball. Memories as American as it gets. In this issue, historian Charles H Price passes along some of those memories as they apply to Telford’s history.

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How much do you know about the earliest church in Souderton? Here is an interesting article about that very thing!

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The Telford Bank
The Telford Bank

Did you know that Telford once had its own bank? Here is a quick story of that bank, its origins, and the people involved.

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Home of Henry O. Souder
Home of Henry O. Souder

Our second ever newsletter – fittingly enough – tells the story and history of Henry O. Souder and his home on Main Street Souderton

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